[Pre-Degree Courses, Extracurricular Programs & More]


Special Preparatory Courses

In addition to regular courses, several special courses (e.g.: Pre-Degree / Pre-University Courses, Extracurricular Programs, Outbounds, etc.) are offered in response to participant interest and need, and if instructors and classroom space are available.

We offer special preparatory courses also for international groups living in diaspora including refugees, etc. ***

A. International Auxiliary Language Program

Course title: "Esperanto as Lingua Franca"
Course description: Esperanto as a global language; a language used for communication between groups of people who speak different languages.
Teaching methods: Lectures, grammatical excercises; text reading, writing, conversation, presentation, etc.

B. German Language Program

Course title: "German as a Foreign Language"
Course description: German as a foreign language for all; a language course prepared for admission to university for international applicants or learning German for business, communication and culture.
Teaching methods: Lectures, grammatical excercises; text reading, writing, conversation, presentation, etc.

C. Chrash Course Program

Course title: "Crash Course for Startups"
Course description: A detailed brain dump about how to go about starting entrepreneurial project for startups. Including theory, inspiration, overview and special mentoring for international applicants.
Teaching methods: Lectures, excercises; text analyzing, writing, conversation, presentation, etc.

D1. Module Program for Pre-Degree Praparatory Course - Economy (Wirtschaft or W-Kurs)

Course title: "Crash Course for W-Kurs"
Course description: A detailed brain dump about how to go about pass the examination of the German University. Including theory, inspiration, overview and special mentoring for international applicants.
Teaching methods: Lectures, excercises; text analyzing, writing, conversation, presentation, etc.

D2. Module Program for Pre-Degree Praparatory Course - Humanities (Geisteswissenschaft or G-Kurs)

Course title: "Crash Course for G-Kurs"
Course description: A detailed brain dump about how to go about pass the examination of the German University. Including theory, inspiration, overview and special mentoring for international applicants.
Teaching methods: Lectures, excercises; text analyzing, writing, conversation, presentation, etc.

World Heritage Outbound

'World Heritage Visit'

[On Demand]