About LV-NC

[A Homage to
Stefan George]


The "Loreley Valley - Nomadic College (LV-NC) was firstly initiated as part of a subordination separate nomadic project under the Pasai Institute for Advanced Study (PIAS) on August 30th, 2016 by universal historian, Schumpeterian Economist, Kantian polemologist & phenomenologist, polyhistor Mai Dar in Marburg University Town. The LV-NC could be regarded as a homage to a prominent poet and writer Stefan George (1868-1933).
The Secret Dictum of Stefan George: "Doch unser aller heimat bleibt das licht, Zu dem wir kehren auf gewundnen stegen." (Jahr der Seele)
Translation: "But all our homes remain the light, To which we return on wounds." (Year of the soul).
For the supporters of this "special nomadic college" in Bingen (in the land of "Hildergardis", the birthplace of Stefan George), this homage is quite relevant, because they found that Stefan George was "a true representative son of academic freedom, a lover of multicultural entity with tolerance principle and practice. George manifested his visionary freedom experiences not only in his creative works, but he was a harsh critic of the then modern era." George was thought of by his contemporaries as a "prophet and a priest", while he thought of himself as a messiah of a new kingdom that would be led by intellectual or artistic elites, bonded by their faithfulness to a strong leader. (vgl.: Wikipedia). This "short-term academic program" is designed not only for academies and professionals, but also for all type of participants, who intend to share the above valuable spirit of George's intellectual visions of "The New Empire" (Das neue Reich) in 1928, to explore or to experience more deeper about the fluvial world heritage realities, comparative regional developments, global mutual influences or tendencies, etc. The LV-NC takes place regularly not only in the Loreley Valley, but also in selected international consortium campuses, such as in Near East, Middle East & South East Asia and other priority areas between the Baltics & Eastern Europe or between Eurasia & Austronesia, etc.

[About Initiator:


MAI DAR is polyglot, a cosmospolitan person living in a culturally diverse society or nomadic diaspora and a natural born linguist or multilingual speaker. He was a former journalist, pedagogist, visiting scholar, honorary professor and research staff in his homeland of Austronesian area; he has received a number of grants and scholarships from international institutions and has contributed in several international universities and scientific institutions in Western & Eastern European countries. He is the original founder of 'Cosmoscopia' (Novel Holistic Visionary System) & 'Visiondium' (Vision Compendium) and author of a wide range of literary works (fiction & non-fiction) since his high school days and wrote under many pen names; Curator of "Nomadic" Diaspora Documentary Film Festival (DDFF). As a bibliophile he developed several scientific archives or private libraries in Asia and Europe. As the founder of e-Transfer Corner (e-TC) in the University Town Marburg, he has tried to reconnect intensive exchange academies between Austronesian & Eurasian areas through blended online and in-person learning (online courses and in-person tutoring), which had been implemented in several campuses in the developing countries, especially in Southeast Asia. For his lifetime project, he has initiated a blueprint for a novel Institute for Advanced Study and has developed several workshops on "Kantian perpetual peace", "Schumpeterian entreptreneurialism" and "Roepkean strategy of innovation" for the underdeveloped countries or the humanitarian crisis areas of the world. His inter-university networking project in diaspora had been developed as an "ideal cooperation model" with several selected exellence universities and other partner institutions around the globe.

Our Core Mission

The 'Main Target' of the "Loreley Valley - Nomadic College" (LV-NC) is first of all to share the universal ideas summarized by the Pasai Institute for Advanced Study (PIAS) as part of the theoretical interdisciplinary research in various areas of sciences with the motto: "SEDES SCIENTIAE AD SAPIENTIAM, DOCTRINA PERPETUA ("Seat of knowledge for wisdom, forever learning") and to bring a new kind of educational enlightenment system for promoting universal principles such as the "Kantian Perpetual Peace" ('Zum ewigen Frieden') with the new tendencies in "Visionary Democratic Peace", "Schumpeterian entrepreneurialism", "Roepkean strategy of innovation" and to initiate the international educational cooperation method which will focus for instance on the selective educational system of the better past civilization, including the medieval positive "Artes Liberales" method, European critical philosophy heritage; comparative global literature, religiosity, economy and history in general; adapting comparative vocational education and related global economic strategies, to encourage implementing innovative entrepreneurialism as special transferpreneurs for evolutionary transforming of our 'blue planet' [Doctrine: "Our Common Planet First"!];

To survey the Husserlian phenomenology of interregional activities with the realities of the relevant region as one of the comparative models; to stimulate the relevant projects of the international academies, professionals (students, scholars, artists and others) and to explore or to reflect their visionary activities for an ideal intercultural understanding of the globalized world;

To develope academic consortium interaction with relevant innovative modules, "long life" entrepreneurial visions, practical trainings and educational systems for a better understanding among the nations with relevant lingua franca (Esperanto and other trend languages) and in search of an ideal living system of the 'blue zones' of our planet;

To promote the continual educational cooperation without borders and "forever learning" (doctrina perpetua) for all.


Kantgrad International Society was initiated by Cosmoscopian activists in Europe for monitoring 'Perpetual Peace Phenomena'
Team of e-TC